Kamis, 18 April 2019



This research aimed to develop the potential of tourism business through the development of the local area to increase the local revenue and the level of social welfare. The analysis instruments used are Location Quotient (LQ) and SWOT analysis. The analysis result showed that the potential of tourism business can be mapped into 5 (five) sectors namely West Malang, East Malang, South A Malang, South B Malang, and North Malang. Each area has its own characteristic. West Malang and East Malang has mountain range tourism characteristic, South Malang has marine tourism characteristic, and North Malang has historical heritage tourism characteristic. The weaknesses of the tourism business management are: First, the distance of the tourism objects especially for the beach which is far from the gate of the regency of Malang. Second, the accessibility for the tourism objects in South Malang is relatively low, due to the lack of infrastructure and transportation systems. Third, the location of each tourism object that spread widely makes the development of integrated tourism zone is difficult to do. Fourth, through the existing objects, they have lack of area arrangement, so it reduces the object’s attractiveness. Fifth, lack of management of the tourism objects, so it reduces the tourists’ services. Sixth, the setting of some tourist objects is not well developed. Those weaknesses must be addresses in order to optimize the tourism business potential in the regency of Malang to increase the social welfare.

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