Kamis, 18 April 2019



The purpose of writing this paper is to describe the management system and describe professional ecotourism ecotourism development strategy in order to compete with conventional tourist and improving social welfare. One area that has the potential natural advantage, supported by various keparawisataannya prerequisite for developing ecotourism sector is particularly in Malang regency, so Malang dubbed as Paris van East Java because of the beautiful natural conditions, mild climate and a clean city, like cities "Paris" of the East Java. However, with the great potential for ecotourism, tourism development is still hampered by a variety of things such as infrastructure inadequate infrastructure, participation of local communities still lack, lack of promotion, and government support has not been optimal synergy. To overcome the problems of ecotourism in Malang. Development will need to be directed at institutional quality, management and service, and began marketing the quality of domestic to foreign countries. So in the era of globalization, ecotourism ready to face competition from conventional tourist and improve the welfare of the community and the local economy in general.

Keywords: ecotourism, economic and welfare

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